Invest your skin.
glow complexion.
Fall in love with taking care of your self.

$35 Oil Free Purifier instantly dissolves excess oil and make up, and lifts away dead cells, leaving skin clean, nourished and fresh. オイルフリーの洗顔なのに、しっかりと化粧や汚れを落とせるフォーミング、今までクレンジングで化粧を落として洗顔していたかた、お肌がガサガサ、洗い上がりお顔が突っ張る・・・などの洗顔の悩みのある方に是非使用して実感してほしい最高の洗顔フォーム。

$35 Contain High Concentrate Hyaluronic Acid and Natural Botanical Aroma. A soothing and hydrating mist that restores moisture balance. Can also be used to seal and encourage longer lasting makeup or to refresh the skin anytime of the day. Recommended for all skin types. めんどくさがりやさん、シンプルにスキンケアーがしたい、今までの化粧水ではお顔が突っ張ったり、効果があるのか今一わからない・・・というあなた。これ一本で解決です。保湿・アンチエイジングができるヒアルロン酸配合の美容液化粧水。これ一本で全部ケアーしてくれるので優れもの!

$98 A super-concentrated hydrating 100% Hyaluronic Acid serum.keeps the skin hydrated all day and night with an invisible veil of moisture. It achieves hydration by attracting 1000 times its weight in water from the moisture in the air, replenishing the skin and restoring its smoothness. 高純度・高濃度の100%ヒアルロン酸美容液、ヒアルロン酸を補給し、お肌の保水力を高めることが、若々しいハリ・うるおいをたもつことにつながります。また、ご自身の美容液や基礎化粧品に一滴使用するだけ、目の周りにも使用できます。

$80 The Best ingredients on ELLE Magazine! 100% Ceramide! Stimulate the skin's natural renewal and regeneration processes, helping to restore suppleness and elasticity. It bolsters innate protection mechanisms, fighting moisture loss and free-radical attack. アメリカのELLEマガジンでヒアルロン酸とともに1番の座を取った成分『セラミド』、そのセラミドが100%配合され、お肌のバリア機能を高め、オイルコントロール、お化粧の下地、お肌を保護・再生してくれる最高の保湿美容液。一度使用したら手放せない逸品です。

24K gold complex that provides antiaging benefits.Help tighten and tone for younger-looking skin.Pure 24 karat gold imparts an opulent, radiant glow—locking in moisture and keeping skin firm by maintaining natural collagen in the skin—while colloidal gold helps visibly lift, firm, and restore lost elasticity. 紫外線から肌を守ってくれる 肌にハリを与える 皮膚の乾燥を防ぎ、保湿力に優れている 水分を含んだ透明感が出てくる 輝くようなツヤ、しっかりとしたハリ、しっとりと潤いを与えることで透明感のある肌へと導く美容液。

$44 Oil Free! Water Base! Fine mist sprays evenly and dries quickly, leaving no greasy residue on hands, accessories or equipment Oil- and alcohol-free hypoallergenic formula won't block pores or dry pores.Health of your skin every time you wear it.formula protects against skin-aging UVA and skin-burning UVB rays with advanced, broad-spectrum sunscreens. お肌の弱い人にもおすすめのお水からできた日焼け止め。UVA,UVBからお肌を守りながら、肌にダメージを与えない今までにない日焼け止め。日焼け止めを使用して吹き出物や蕁麻疹が出た経験のある人も少なくないはず、そんな症状の出た方にはぜひ使用していただきたい日焼け止めです。

A line of soothing, leave-on lip masks to nourish, and moisturize lips in as little as 15 minutes. 15分で、ふっくら、しっとりの唇に!しっかりと保湿と入らなくなった角質除去もいたします。 High Concentrated Hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamin E, Fruits acid. Moisturize your lips! 高濃度のヒアルロン酸、アミノ酸、ビタミンEで唇を保湿、フルーツ酸で優しくピーリング。 No Parabens ! パラベン不使用!
Cell Boost– 100 % Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum
If your skin needs a boost of hydration, we have a perfect solution for you!
Cell Boost is a face serum that contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid. It quickly restores the skin’s firmness, smoothness and youthful appearance, making it look and feel young and beautiful.
Cell Boosts serum is suitable for all skin types and conditions. Its rich, thick, highly-concentrated formula gets easily absorbed, providing even the deeper layers of the skin with necessary hydration.
This serum replenishes dry or aging skin, improves the skin’s firmness and elasticity, reduces wrinkles and fine lines and makes the skin smooth, supple and youthful. It revitalizes dehydrated, dull looking skin and adds radiance to your face.
If you have acne prone or oily skin, Cell Boostis a perfect moisturizer for you. It will hydrate your skin without clogging your pores or making your skin look greasy.
Its main ingredient – hyaluronic acid – is one of the most sought-after ingredients in contemporary skincare.
What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a humectant that is normally found in our skin. It has the ability to absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water.
Hyaluronic acid not only attracts water molecules to the skin, but it also helps the skin to retain that moisture. That way, it maintains your skin plump, supple, youthful and glowing for much longer.
However, as we get older, the percentage of HA in our skin drops significantly. That is why we need an external source – a face serum – to get back that precious molecule into our skin.
Cell Boostface serum contains two sizes of HA molecule.
Why do we need two sizes of HA molecule?
Normally, hyaluronic acid is a pretty big molecule - big enough so that it cannot sink into the skin. When applied to the skin, hyaluronic acid molecules stay on the surface, making sure that the outer layer of the skin is well-hydrated.
However, the inner layers of the skin also need hydration. That is why Cell Boostserum contains two sizes of HA molecules. The small molecules penetrate the skin and hydrate it all the way down, plumping up the skin and reducing fine lines. The big molecules stay on the surface, reinforcing the skin’s natural barrier.
This approach ensures that the skin gets all the hydration it needs and that the moisture stays in the skin instead of quickly evaporating. That way, your skin stays plump, supple and well-hydrated for much, much longer.
How to use Cell Boost serum?
You can use Cell Boostboth in the morning and at night. Since it doesn’t leave a greasy residue, it goes perfectly under makeup.
Wash your face, to remove any makeup, impurities, bacteria and excess sebum. While your skin is still warm and slightly damp, apply a small amount of the serum to your whole face. Give your skin a minute or two to absorb the serum before applying any other product.